sexta-feira, 9 de fevereiro de 2007


Aí está o meu projeto, na íntegra

Balloon - By Jonas Brandão

The Idea - Little Man 1 is hanging from a balloon in an endless blue sky. Little Man 2 comes closer also tied to a balloon. Little Man 1 demands that Little Man 2 gets out of his way so that he can keep going. Little Man 2 reacts, denies the request, and demands that Little Man 1 clear the path so he can get through, creating a stalemate.

The dialogs are through small speech bubbles coming out of the characters, just as in comic books. The characters interact with these speech bubbles, sometimes the bubbles of one of them coming on top of the other's, or pushing against each other.

Both little men keep on fighting up until Bird 1 lands on Little Man 1's balloon. Little Man 2 laughs and gestures that the bird will burst his balloon and he will fall. Little Man 1 gets angry. Bird 2 comes closer and lands on Little Man 2's balloon. The birds start to sing, as if greeting each other. Little Man 1 laughs at Little Man 2. They start to argue again and attack each other with pointy speech bubbles, which keep growing according to the anger of each character. They grow until they fit together and get so big that they touch the balloons and burst them, scaring the birds and making them fly and the men fall. The movie ends with an empty blue sky and the credits are shown over this background.

Esthetics - Esthetically, the movie tries to play with shapes and symbols. There's an inclination to use pure geometric figures that contribute to the storytelling because the audience associates them to different concepts and sensations.

The little men, naked, are square, with sharp angles and flat in an aggressive and heavy way. To emphasize the lightness of the environment and contrast it with the men, all of the background, balloons and birds will be made of rounded and gracious shapes.

The speech bubbles also acquire different shapes that stress the speech tone of each character. Rounded shapes express serenity, wavy shapes express a slight lost of control and pointy shapes stand for yelling and anger. The bubbles' content will be a composite of various objects and pictures.

The colors of the movie will oscillate between blue and white. The sky is blue, all the contours are blue and the fillings are white. There's also the addition of blue shadows on the characters. The contour is made of fine and uneven lines, adding a vibrant/dynamic aspect to the animation.

As for the Sound, there's the intention of experimenting different sounds and foleys for the different voices, characters' movement, speech bubbles and the bird singing.

Story’s Intention - The story plays with some “rotten” human values: selfishness, rudeness, egocentrism, individualism and some others that no one would like to have. Starting from the “chance encounter” theme, there are two encounters: one completely unpleasant between the two men who fight for space even in that endless sky, and another totally natural and innocent, between the birds. Because of the men's greed, in the end, no one will enjoy that space.

Technical Notes - Hand drawing, with digital coloring and collage.

The Motivation - The idea came from my interaction with extremely impolite people. Besides that, there's also my impartiality to speech bubbles, which I believe to be really cool.


Jonas de Faria Brandão
Birthdate: 13/06/1985
Cel: +55 (16) 8132-9664


- Majored in ‘Movie Making’ at Universidade Federal de Sao Carlos (UFSCar) - 2006.

2.Courses and workshops

- ‘Animating with Canada’ (‘Animando com o Canadá’) – Promoted by MinC, SENAC-SP and Canadian General Consulate (São Paulo – SP – 2006);
- ‘Co-producing with Canada’ (‘Co-produzindo com o Canadá’) – Promoted by ABPI, MinC and Canadian General Consulate (São Paulo – SP – 2006);
- Workshop with the Canadian animation producer Peter Moss in the ‘Curta Criança’ project’s second edition, promoted by MinC and TVE (Rio de Janeiro – RJ – 2005);
- Qualified by Toon Boom in the softwares Toon Boom Harmony and Toon Boom Solo (Rio de Janeiro - RJ 2006);
- Movie directing Workshop with Eliane Caffé promoted by SESC Araraquara (Arararaquara – SP – 2004);
- Independent production Workshop with Marcelo Masagão promoted by SESC Araraquara (Arararaquara – SP – 2004);
- Production workshop with Luiz Vilaça promoted by SESC Araraquara (Arararaquara – SP – 2004);
- Actors direction workshop with Sérgio Penna promoted by SESC São Carlos (São Carlos SP – 2003);
- Complete academic arts course by Bizarro Centro de Design (Sumaré - SP - 2002);
- Complete English course by Fisk Escola de Idiomas (Sumaré - SP - 2002);

3.Other qualifications

- ABCA’s active member (Brazilian Cinema of Animation Association);
- Working experience in the following softwares:
Animation: Adobe Flash, Toon Boom Solo and Stop Motion Pro.
Edition and post-production: Adobe Premiere and Adobe After Effects.
Image edition: Adobe Photoshop.
Art designing: Corel Draw.
Sound edition: Sony Vegas e Sony Sound Forge.

4.Audiovisual productions



.Um Lugar Comum (UFSCar – 2007 - 12’ – 2D animation – in post-production - DV)
.Traumatoscópio (UFSCar – 2007 – 1’ – 2D animation - in post-production - DV)
.É tarde pra café (UFSCar – 2005 – 3’ – Live Action - mini-DV)
.Humberto Barachinni (UFSCar – 2004 – 6’ – Live Action - mini-DV)
.Telmo, o Visionário (UFSCar – 2004 – 30” – 2D animation – mini-DV)
.Coadjuvantes (UFSCar – 2003 – 1’ – Live Action - mini-DV)


.Um Lugar Comum (UFSCar – 2007 - 12’ – 2D animation – in post-production - DV)
.É tarde pra café (UFSCar – 2005 – 3’ – Live Action - mini-DV)

Executive producer:

.Feliz Aniversário Júlio (UFSCar – 2005 – 7’ – Live Action - DV)


.Um Lugar Comum (UFSCar – 2007 - 12’ – 2D animation – in post-production - DV)
.Traumatoscópio (UFSCar – 2007 – 1’ – 2D animation - in post-production - DV)
.Acampamento 3R (Rocambole Productions – 2004 – 15’ – Live Action with 2D animation - mini-DV)

Character designer:

.Um Lugar Comum (UFSCar – 2007 - 12’ – 2D animation – in post-production - DV)
.Traumatoscópio (UFSCar – 2007 – 1’ – 2D animation - in post-production - DV)
.Três Marias (UFSCar – 2005 - 15’ – Documentary with 2D animations - DV)

Background designer:

.Um Lugar Comum (UFSCar – 2007 - 12’ – 2D animation – in post-production - DV)
.Para Chegar Até a Lua (UFSCar – 2005 – 8’ – 3D animation - 35mm)

Storyboard arstist:
.Um Lugar Comum (UFSCar – 2007 - 12’ – 2D animation – in post-production - DV)
.Traumatoscópio (UFSCar – 2007 – 1’ – 2D animation - in post-production - DV)
.Três Marias (UFSCar – 2005 - 15’ – Documentary with 2D animations - DV)
.Renda (UFSCar – 2004 – 9’ – Live Action – mini-DV)

.Long features:

Boom Operator

.Sábado a Noite (Rocambole Produções – Live Action - 2006 – in post-production)

. Publicity:

.I’ve worked as a 2D animator in several TV and internet advertisements produced by São Carlos’ and Campinas’ producers, working both with traditional techniques and digital cutout with Adobe Flash Adobe Flash. (2004 e 2005)

- I’ve worked in the ‘Music in the city’ program at Universidade Federal de São Carlos (UFSCar), in which I was responsible for cultural promoting and producing, promoting music concerts at the university. (São Carlos – SP – 2005);

6. Teaching experience

- Workshop leader of ‘Animation History and Techniques’ promoted by SESC São Carlos (São Carlos – SP – 2006);
- Workshop leader of Toon Boom Solo for Movie Making’s students at Universidade Federal de Sao Carlos (UFSCar) (São Carlos – SP – 2006);
- Workshop leader of Animation at the ‘USP Artistic and Cultural Movement’ – Macaco – Promoted by São Paulo University (USP) (São Carlos – SP – 2005);
- English teacher at Fisk English school (Sumaré – SP – 2002);

7. Other experiences

- ‘Traça Teca’ comic book illustrator (A traça Teça e as palavras perdidas) produced by Rocambole Productions (São Carlos – SP – 2006);
- Traineeship at Rocambole Productions, an audiovisual producer company specialized in animated films for children. Along my traineeship, I’ve had over 800 hours of experience in the following functions: 2D animator, illustrator, art director, storyboard artist, colorist, and graphic designer. (São Carlos – SP – 2004).

8. Portfolio

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